Baked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry Pancakes

Baked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry Pancakes
The summer's showtime few pints of fresh local strawberries don't oft arrive yesteryear the bowl into a recipe, simply the reckon of baked strawberry pancakes tin give the sack ordinarily furnish an occasion. One of my well-nigh pop recipes, together with a personal favorite equally well, these unproblematic pancakes are soft, creamy together with slightly chewy amongst a lite crispy exterior, together with and thence slowly to brand that they're ever worth a reprise or a variation amongst other fresh fruits …

Baked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry Pancakes
… such equally blueberries, of which I had enough juicy specimens on hand. This fourth dimension approximately I decided to occupation whole wheat flour to save the vitamin, mineral together with poly peptide nutrients together with dietary fiber constitute inwards the wheat bran together with germ that are removed to brand refined flour. But piece a far superior food, whole wheat flour is a "heavier" production than white flour, together with does non ascension equally good during baking without assistance. Soaking the flour at room temperature overnight inwards good, apparently whole fatty yogurt "leavens" the whole wheat pancake batter together with results inwards a lite together with fluffy dough that smells together with thence delicious you'll survive tempted to bake it correct away. The yogurt soaking has the additional practise goodness of helping to intermission downwards the phytates constitute inwards the wheat bran — these phytates bind amongst minerals such equally calcium, magnesium, copper, Fe together with especially zinc, together with block their absorption into the body.

The oils constitute inwards the bran likewise makes whole grain flours peculiarly susceptible to rancidity, which is why I recommend buying flours milled unopen to the beginning together with storing inwards the freezer.

While I'm inwards a food-nannying role, I'll add together to ever await for non-homogenized whole fatty yogurts without added gums or stabilizers. Whey should split easily inwards a expert yogurt, indicating live, salubrious together with active cultures. Saugeen Country together with Hewitt's Dairy goat's milk yogurts are both salubrious together with delicious choices for Ontario readers.

On the other hand, these beautiful pancakes are meant to survive savored, non calculated … together with thence delight practise enjoy!

Baked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry Pancakes

Baked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry PancakesBaked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry Pancakes
Recipe yesteryear
Published on July 23, 2009

Soft, creamy together with nourishing baked whole wheat pancakes amongst fresh strawberries together with blueberries — a wonderful dessert or breakfast treat

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  • 1 loving cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 loving cup apparently whole fatty yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 pint (2 cups) strawberries, hulled together with halved or quartered
  • 1 pint (2 cups) blueberries
  • icing carbohydrate (optional)
  • Generation Engelmundus Combine the flour together with yogurt together inwards a small-scale mixing bowl. Cover together with larn out 8 hours or overnight at room temperature.

  • Generation Engelmundus Heat an oven to 425°. Place 1 tablespoon of butter inwards each of ii deep 9-inch pie plates. Put inwards the oven to melt.

  • Generation Engelmundus Beat the egg whites until stiff. In a medium mixing bowl, crunch the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla together with baking pulverisation into the flour together with yogurt mixture.

  • Generation Engelmundus Fold the egg whites into the batter. Remove the pie plates from the oven together with pour one-half of the batter into each. Arrange the strawberries together with blueberries on top.

  • Generation Engelmundus Bake for fifteen to xx minutes, until golden on top.

  • Generation Engelmundus Remove from the oven. Run a security spatula approximately the edges together with slide the pancakes onto a serving plate. Sprinkle amongst icing carbohydrate if desired, together with serve immediately.

Makes two 9-inch pancakes or 8 servings
Baked Whole-Wheat Strawberry together with Blueberry Pancakes
Other pancake ideas y'all may enjoy:
Baked Strawberry Pancakes
Baked Blueberry Peach Pancakes
Blueberry & Cornmeal Buttermilk Pancakes
Vanilla Oat Pancakes

On the transcend of the reading stack: The Frog together with Toad Collection Box Set yesteryear Arnold Lobel

Audio accompaniment: Structures from Silence yesteryear Steve Roach
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