6 week pregnancy weight loss

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My name is Sara Dean. I’m the owner of Fit Healthy Moms. I’m a fitness professional and a postpartum weight loss expert. I teach moms all over the country how to lose pregnancy weight through my 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program. Over the years I’ve helped hundreds of moms lose hundreds of pounds with my simple, easy to follow program. But more about me in a minute.

First I want to tell you a little story. A few years ago I had a new client come to sign up for my Boot Camp. She said she wanted to get rid of her baby belly. When I asked her how old her baby was she sheepishly replied, “Nine. Years. Old.” I felt horrible for this mom with her deep, sad eyes and head hanging in shame. She was clearly very frustrated with herself and her body. I was quick to tell her she’s not alone. She’s really not. I meet moms ALL THE TIME who’s children are 3-4-5-6 years old and they’re still struggling to lose their baby weight. Many tears have been shed in my office over this. Moms are embarrassed and ashamed when they are carrying around a bunch of “baby weight” yet their babies are no longer babies.

Before I tell you how to lose all your baby weight (maybe even more), get rid of that muffin top and feel comfortable in your own skin again, I want to share with you the experiences of a few of my clients.

These moms were just like you. They were frustrated, embarrassed and depressed about their post baby bodies. Is this how you feel?

If you answered YES to even just ONE of these questions, please know that it’s not your fault.

I know there is so much conflicting information out there about how to lose baby weight it’s really difficult to know where to start. That is the magic of 6 Week Pregnancy Weight Loss Program. I tell you EXACTLY what to do. I know you don’t have time for guesswork. I know you just need someone to tell you what to do – a paint by numbers postpartum weight loss program, if you will.

I break everything down into simple, easy to follow steps, so all you do is eat (yes, eat, all the time!) get in a few video workouts a week (only 15-30 minutes each!) and watch the baby weight melt away.

Let me tell you why I’m making this so easy for you. It is my absolute passion to create a nation of Fit Healthy Moms. You see, I come from a long line of women who struggle with their weight. My grandmother had five children and she never knew how to lose baby weight. She was always at least 50 pounds overweight. My mom had a really hard time losing pregnancy weight after she had my little sister. I remember her always being on some sort of crazy diet. Any of these sounds familiar?

My mom didn’t know about exercise and nutrition. Not many people did in the 80′s. My mom was a single parent working long hours to put my sister and I through private schools. She didn’t know what to do to help us maintain a healthy weight. I don’t blame her one little bit. So much of what we thought about weight loss in the 80′s has been proven to be absolutely false (and completely ridiculous in many circumstances.) So much had changed since the days of those nutty fad diets, thank goodness!

We now know that you must balance diet and exercise, as they compliment each other beautifully. We know that carbs are our friends if we pick the right ones. We know that certain fats...

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