New — four hour fitness formula

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As you’ve observed by just looking around you every day, very few people have a “perfect” body.

But, when you follow the advice I’m about to give you in this short letter, I know you’ll be a lot happier with the body you see in the mirror every day.

In fact, I guarantee you’ll drop 2full dress sizes by using my easy home weight-loss system … in just 6 weeks … or you pay me nothing.

My program, the Four-Hour  Fitness Program, is easy, fun, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home – no visits to the gym, no personal trainer, no expensive exercise machine, You can eat dozens of your favorite meals and snack, and it the simple workouts take only a half hour a day,

National media love the Four-Hour Fitness Program. It’s been featured on Fox, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and many other media outlets. As a result demand is skyrocketing, but you can still join Four-Hour Fitness if you act today.

According to a Women’s Heath USA study, more than one out of three American women are obese.

A lot more aren’t obese, but they’ve lost the shape and definition they had in their teens and twenties, and have packed on pounds they’d like to get rid of.

It’s not your fault. Women gain fat as they age. A fit women age 25 has a body fat percentage between 17 and 19 percent. But a 60-year-old woman whose health is at risk because of her weight has a body fat percentage between 31 and 34.

And even if you’re not fat, I’m guessing there are areas of your body you’d like to flatten, tone, and firm up: your neck … your arms … your stomach … your butt … your thighs … your calves.

Part of the problem is that, despite all the fitness commercials we see on TV featuring gorgeous young women, on average women exercise less than men. Men are nearly twice as active as women, getting at least 30 minutes of daily exercise.

Lack of exercise not only makes women flabby and overweight. It’s also associated with high cholesterol, excess abdominal fat, and high blood pressure that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Not exercising can also contribute to depression.

A recent study in the UK found that older women who exercise regularly and don’t smoke may have a substantially lower risk of late-life disability than those with less-healthy habits.

The study found that women who never exercised were about twice as likely to get arthritis and had double the risk of developing problems walking. They were also more likely to develop heart disease.

Obviously that’s not the future you want. You want to be healthy, active, and slim. You know you have to exercise more. So why are you not exercising enough?

First, they’re expensive — especially if you take classes or work with a personal trainer.

Second, you have no privacy. You probably haven’t exercised in some time. And maybe you’re embarrassed to be seen in exercise clothes struggling on the machines.

Third, going to the gym takes time you may not have. By the time you travel back and forth, change, and exercise, you could be looking at 2 hours out of your busy day. Or maybe there’s no gym close to your home.

But what if I said you could get better results than at your local gym … faster...

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